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Neihu Precinct Conducts Traffic Enforcement in Cooperation with the Parking Management Measures in Taipei Neihu Technology Park

  To maintain the traffic order in Taipei Neihu Technology Park, Taipei City Parking Management and Development Office enforces periodical (5pm to 8pm) parking restriction management on the six parking spaces for cars (No.24-29) in front of the No.7-13, Ln. 3, Jihu Rd. and eight parking spaces for scooters (near the No.24 parking spaces) from 15th February 2023.


  The Neihu Precinct would like to remind citizens to abide by the traffic regulations and patiently follow the direction of the police officers on site during the peak hours in the afternoon. Additionally, citizens should notice the billboard and the road traffic marking to avoid from overtime parking. Neihu Precinct will also strengthen the patrol and enforcement to maintain metropolitan traffic order.