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Shilin Police Impart Personal Safety Know-How on Students of the CCU

The Shilin Precinct, TCPD, held a joint seminar on personal safety for foreigners living in Taipei with  the Chinese Culture University (CCU) on May 8, 2023. In attendance were law enforcement personnel from the TCPD foreign affairs division, criminal investigation division, women and children’s protection division, juvenile affairs division and the command and control center, the National Immigration Bureau, as well as foreign and national students of the CCU.

The event, hosted by Deputy Commissioner Liao, Tsai-Zhen of the TCPD, expounded on the important topics of personal security, traffic safety, anti-drug and anti-fraud capabilities in both English and Chinese. A quiz session was also added after the presentation in order to further instill self-preservation expertise and conceptual awareness of related legislature among the students.

Deputy Chief Tsai, Jian-Yung of the Shilin Precinct also took the stage to remind the students that owing to the CCU’s location amongst the traffic accident-prone roads of the Yangmingshan mountains, it is recommended students make use of public transportation as a safer alternative to motorcycles, and that when alighting the mountain, motorcyclists must retain the utmost vigilance and utilize the most cautious of speeds. The Shilin precinct will also sustain reinforcement of communications with the CCU in order to further safeguard campus safety.

The TCPD will furthermore like to call upon all residents of Taipei City to dial 119 and contact the police in any event of personal harm. Upholding the concepts of due diligence and discreet intervention, the TCPD hopes to fortify existing social safety  networks through a working triumvirate between the police, schools and communities so as to bring upon a stable and secure society for all Taipei City Citizens.